CSUS In Person Math Tutoring: In person Sac
State Math tutoring is available twice a week and is held in room
111 on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2:45-3:45 pm. Students can drop
in if they need extra math help.
Math Tutoring in the Evening: Sac State Math
Tutoring Buddies Program is back and will continue through May 9,
offering free tutoring sessions via Zoom Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday 4pm to 7pm Tuesday/Thursday, 5:30pm to 7pm.
Click here for more information about the Math Tutoring
Buddies program and for tutor availability.
Note for Parents/ Guardians: Parents/
Guardians are required to supervise their children during the
tutoring sessions. Parents/ Guardians please complete the
release of liability form before
joining the first session. For any questions, contact
us here.
Study Hall: Study Hall is offered
Monday-Thursday. Mornings in room 215 from 7:35-8:05 and
afternoons in room 112 (near the cafeteria) from 2:35-3:35
(M/T/W) and 1:35-2:35 (Thursdays).
Backpack Club: Come to room 111 during lunch on
Wednesdays to get help with organization, checking Infinite
Campus, checking your planner, and being prepared for school!
In looking way ahead to the end of the year, the 8th grade Six
Flags Discovery Kingdom trip will be on Tuesday, June 10th. The
cost of the trip is $100 per student or $62 w/season pass. Your
ticket includes park admission, transportation, and one meal deal
package (1 meal voucher, 1 snack voucher and 1 drink voucher).
Field trip packets are available now in the main office and
on our website. Submit both permission slips and payments (cash
or money order only) to Ms. Payne in the main office no later
than Friday, May 2nd. Parents if you are interested in being a
chaperone please email Ms. Payne
at Michele-payne@scusd.edu.
Students are prohibited from ordering food delivery within the
school day. This is disruptive to the school day and the office
will not accept food deliveries. For non-food deliveries like
balloons, flowers, etc. these will be kept in the main
office and students may pick them up at the end of the day.
To report your student’s absence, please complete this
webform or call the 24 hour Miwok Middle
Attendance Line 916-395-5371.
Read each option thoroughly and select the reason that best
describes your student’s absence. Please note that office staff
may call to verify as necessary.
Please click
this link to our updated student handbook with several
updated policies, including a revision to the electronic devices
policy (see page 8). In an attempt to provide students
with a distraction free environment throughout the day, cell
phones will be expected to be OFF and OUT OF SIGHT from
the start of the school day until
dismissal. This will include
lunch .